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Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. =A=A=A=A=A4=A=A>A >A >A$#>A(,>A,?>A8@FAFA"FA+FA6FA@0123456789ABCDEF0123456789abcdef@ÿ?xAlibgcj_s.dll_Jv_RegisterClassesTerminating due to CTRL event Getting current tunnel listing%s %s %s %s %s|SixXS_aiccu_aiccu.sixxs.netSixXS|tic://||be de ee fi gb ie it nl pl pt si se usWarning: Couldn't find global Tunnel Brokers List, please check your DNS settings and read the FAQ. aiccu (help|start|stop|brokers|tunnels|test|autotest|license|listtaps|version) [] -- done -- please hit a key to close the console windowstartstopbrokerstunnelstestautotestlicenselisttapsversion%s2012.02.02-win32 -AICCU %s by Jeroen Massar/SixXS ( Version: 2012.02.02 (r3122:3123) Builder: Compiler: i586-mingw32msvc-gcc 4.2.1-sjlj BuildDate: Thu Feb 2 19:36:51 CET 2012BuildInfo: %s Required parameters missing, make sure that username and password are given Couldn't retrieve first tunnel for the above reason, aborting Tunnel Information for %s: PoP Id : %s IPv6 Local : %s/%u IPv6 Remote : %s/%u Tunnel Type : %s Adminstate : %s Userstate : %s enabledTunnel is not enabled (UserState: %s, AdminState: %s) 6in4-heartbeatayiya[tun-%s] %stundev->tuntun->tundevError reading from device: %u, %s (%d) TUN Reader stopping Error writing to device: %u, %s (%d) SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}Error opening registry key: %s (t1) Error enumerating registry subkeys of key: %s (t1) %s\%sPropertiesError opening registry key: %s (t2) Error opening registry key: %s\%s (t3) tap0801tap0802tap0901ComponentIdNetCfgInstanceIdSYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}Error opening registry key: %s (p0) Error enumerating registry subkeys of key: %s (p1) %s\%s\ConnectionError opening registry key: %s (p2) Error opening registry key: %s\%s\%s (p3) NameAvailable TAP-WIN32 adapters [name, GUID]: '%s' %s *** Adapter with GUID %s has %u links from the Network Connections control panel, it should only be 1 [NULL] %s *** Adapter with GUID %s doesn't have a link from the control panel *** Duplicate Adapter GUID %s Renaming adapter '%s' to '%s' and using it Using configured interface %s Found = %u, Count = %u, did not find interface %s TAP-Win32 Adapter not configured properly... startCould not open the networking registry key \\.\Global\%s.tapTrying %s not This is %s, %sthe one we want (DEBUG)TAP-Win32 Driver Version %d.%d%s A TAP-Win32 driver is required that is at least version %d.%d -- If you recently upgraded your Tap32 driver, a reboot is probably required at this point to get Windows to see the new driver. No working Tap device found! Tun\Could not find config file (aiccu.conf) rCould not open config file "%s" Using configuration file: "%s" Unknown configuration statement on line %u of %s: "%s" T%I64u%I64uTunnelID (%s) is not a valid TunnelID (should be eg T1234) wCould not open config file "%s" for writing 2012.02.02# AICCU Configuration (Saved by AICCU %s) # Login information username %s password %s protocol %s server %s # Interface names to use ipv6_interface %s # The tunnel_id to use # (only required when there are multiple tunnels in the list) tunnel_id T%I64u # Try to automatically login and setup the tunnel? truefalseautomatic %s # Script to run after setting up the interfaces (default: none) #%ssetupscript %s # TLS Required? requiretls %s # Be verbose? verbose %s # Daemonize? daemonize %s # PID File pidfile %s # Make heartbeats (default true) # In general you don't want to turn this off # Of course only applies to AYIYA and heartbeat tunnels not to static ones makebeats %s # Add a default route (default: true) defaultroute %s # Don't configure anything (default: false) noconfigure %s aiccu_install() Not configuring anything as 'noconfigure' option is set firstotheraiccu_setup(%s, %s) Flag: HAS_IFHEAD not present Flag: NEED_IFHEAD not present ayiyaaiccu_beat() - Beating disabled 6in4-heartbeataiccu_beat() - No beat for %s!? aiccu_reconfig(%s) aiccu_delete(%s) aiccu_os_exec("%s") Execution of "%s" failed!? (Please check if the command is available) dolog() - yesfalseis_rfc1918(%s) = %s sock_printf() : "%s" sock_getline() : "%s" Buffer almost flowed over without receiving a newline (%I64u / %I64u / %I64u) Couldn't resolve host %s, service %s [%s] listen_server setup: getaddrinfo error: %s [%s] listen setup: socket error: could not open socket [%s] listen setup: socket error: could not listen on socket [%s] Listening on [%s]:%s copyfield() - Field %u didn't exist in '%s' truenoUnknown boolean value "%s" for option "%s" }@}@}@~@~@~@%02xCouldn't resolve host %s heartbeat_socket() - Address is %s Couldn't open a socket for determining current IPv4 address 3740Couldn't resolve PoP ip %s Failed to connect() to remote side Couldn't get local socketaddress Couldn't get local IP Couldn't resolve PoP IPv4 %s heartbeat_socket() - IPv4 : %s heartbeat_socket() - Address stays %s HEARTBEAT TUNNEL %s sender %I64u %sHEARTBEAT TUNNEL %s sender %I64u %02x[HB] %s heartbeat_beat() - Address changed to %s Trying to connect to TIC server %s 3874Couldn't connect to the TIC server %s TIC Server is currently not available WindowsUnknown%sWinNTWin9xWin32s%u.%u.%u%u.%u.%u-SP%u%u.%u.%u-SP%u.%u2012.02.02-win32 -AICCUdraft-00client TIC/%s %s/%s %s/%s Couldn't pass client information: %s. get unixtime Time not available? %s The clock is off by %d seconds, use NTP to sync it! Aborting: Clock is off by %d seconds username %s Username not accepted: %s. challenge md5 Challenge not correct: %s. %s%sauthenticate md5 %s Response not accepted: %s. Tschau!Zij die gaan, groeten uSee you later alligatorA bitter thought, but I have to goAjuuu parapluThank you for the informationIt was lovely talking to you againTschussss...AufwiedersehenI'll be back. Ha, you didn't know I was going to say that!We will be the only two people left in the world, Yes--Adam and Evil!StrandedDie With YouThe End Of LoveIn My GardenSet Me FreeDon't LeaveInsomniaWhy GoThe Trick Is To Keep BreathingWe just stopped breatingEven the spirits are afraidDeer StopThe Last Thing I Need Is YouEvery Time We Live TogetherMy Autumn's Done ComeNever Ever LandNone of this is realNothing Comes EasyIlluminaughtySomething I can never haveAnd All That Could Have Been...That's what I getUnder the weeping moonFor Absent FriendsIt Could Be SweetHalf Day ClosingBetter Off DeadSolitaryForsakenHolding OnThis is not our farewellRunning Down That HillSchaltet den schmerz abDown where we belong 8A(8A@8AX8A{8A8A8A8A8A8A$9Aj9As9A9A9A9A9A9A9A9A9A:A:A&:AC:A_:Au:A:A:A:A:A:A:A ;A!;A4;AF;AW;Ag;Ap;Ay;A;A;A;A;AQUIT %s tunnel list Couldn't list tunnels: %s. Wrong field format when listing tunnels Memory problem while listing tunnels Tunnel list went wrong: %s XXX: Not implemented - tic_ListRoutes() ayiyal2tpOverriding Local IPv4 address from %s to %s TunnelIdTypeIPv6 EndpointIPv6 PoPIPv6 PrefixLengthPoP IdIPv4 EndpointIPv4 PoPUserStateAdminStatePasswordHeartbeat_IntervalTunnel MTUtunnel show %s Couldn't show tunnel %s: %s. Memory problem while getting tunnel %s : Successfully retrieved tunnel information for %s Tunnel Get for %s went wrong: %s /var/cache/aiccu/T%I64u.ticrCould not open cached T%I64u at (%s), while it should be there... Memory issues while getting tunnel %I64u Cached details are broken!? No tunnel available, request one first I didn't have any tunnels to selectMultiple tunnels available, please pick one from the following list and configure the aiccu.conf using it %s %s %s %s User still needed to select a tunnelNo such tunnelXXX: Not implemented - tic_GetRoute("%s") tundev->tuntun->tundevbeatayiya_log() getnameinfo() ret: %d, errno: %u, %s ]: [[AYIYA-%s]%s%s%s%s : %s5072Could not create a socket for AYIYA: %s (%d) Error (%d) while sending %u bytes to network: %s (%d) Only %u of %u bytes sent to network: %s (%u) (Socket to TUN) started No valid socket, can't receiveReceived packet is too shortDropping invalid AYIYA packet idlen: %u != %u idtype: %u != %u siglen: %u != %u hshmeth: %u != %u autmeth: %u != %u nexth : %u != %u || %u opcode : %u != %u || %u || %u Received packet from a wrong identity "%s" Time is %d seconds off for %s Incorrect Hash received Received packet didn't start with a 6, thus is not IPv6 ayiya_writer() got %u - cool they have old IPv4 here! ayiya_writer() got %u - don't know what to do with %u Couldn't resolve PoP IPv4 %s No valid IPv4 address for PoP address %s could be found Couldn't resolve Local IPv6 %s No valid IPv6 address for Local IPv6 address %s could be found No valid IPv6 address for PoP IPv6 address %s could be found A password is required for using AYIYA tunnels Connection error: could not create AYIYA socket startdraft-02Anything in Anything (%s) AYIYA WriterC@@$@C@C@C@C@C@C@C@C@C@C@C@C@@~@C@C@C@C@C@C@C@C@C@C@C@@dyingrunningsleepingselectwaitioread[%s] Couldn't allocate memory for a new thread... aborting [%s] Couldn't create thread... aborting netsh int ipv6 install6in4-heartbeatheartbeatHeartbeat tunnel still has a local ipv4 address of '%s' Can't use Tun/Tap on Windows 2000 which is needed for AYIYA ipv6 adu 2/%sipv6 rtu ::/0 2/::%s pubnetsh int ipv6 6to4 set state disablednetsh int ipv6 set teredo disablenetsh int ipv6 isatap set state state=disabledAddrConfigControlSYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Dnscache\Parametersnetsh int ipv6 add v6v4tunnel %s %s %snetsh set interface "%s" mtu=%unetsh int ipv6 set subinterface "%s" mtu=%unetsh int ipv6 add address "%s" %snetsh int ipv6 add route %s/%d %snetsh int ipv6 add route 0::/0 %s %s publish=yesnetsh firewall set adapter %s icmp all=enablenetsh firewall set icmpsetting %s enable allnetsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="AICCU: Allow incoming ICMPv6 echo request" protocol=icmpv6:8,any dir=in action=allow%s %s %s %sipv6 adu 2/%s life 0ipv6 rtu ::/0 2 life 0netsh int ipv6 delete interface %snetsh int set interface name="%s" newname="%s"@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@n@z@z@z@z@z@z@z@z@z@@@@@@@@@@@@@@A@@@@@i@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@X@@@A@@X@@@@@@@@Q@@@@@0@@@@InfinityNaN0@@@@@ @ @@@@@?aCoc?`(?yPD?}-<2ZGUD?? 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