SixXS founders Jeroen Massar and Pim van Pelt where honored with the IPv6 Forum's Jim Bound IPv6 Award for their work as pioneers and IPv6 promotors by providing SixXS for over 18 years.
- Erik Huizer (CTO of SurfNet.nl & Chair of Dutch IPv6 Task Force): "Jeroen Massar and Pim van Pelt receive the Jim Bound Award for their work as pioneers and #IPv6 promoters by providing SixXS for 15 years." (tweet)
- ECP.nl (Dutch Platform for Information Society, part of Dutch Economic Affairs): "Jeroen Massar and Pim van Pelt of SixXS (pronounced as: 'Six Access') have played an important role in the development of IPv6 for many years on their own initiativ by providing an 'IPv6 Deployment and Tunnel Broker' with which tens of thousands of technical people around the world could gain experience with IPv6, even when their own network was not yet ready." (full article)