Rewording request for TIC password change on tunnel
When changing your tic password for a tunnel, it might be worth clarifying when it says
"This TIC Password allows you to login using aaaaaa/bbbbbb" that it literally means aaaaaa/bbbbbb not "aaaaaa OR bbbbbb" which is what the "/" symbol normally represents.
I was about to submit a ticket saying the password system didn't work when i thought "they hardly mean that string literally do they? ah sure I'll try it just in case".
Rewording request for TIC password change on tunnel
If you can propose a better wording it might be worthful, as most users though are not programmers I don't see why this would be an issue at all.
Note also that for it to be an "OR" one generally puts spaces around the forward slash, this is not the case here.
Rewording request for TIC password change on tunnel
The provided TIC Password uses "AAAA-SIXXS/BBBB" as a username. This can be used instead of using "AAAA-SIXXS" as the username with your main account password.