How to install aiccu as a service in windows?
How can I install aiccu as a service in windows? The way it is explained in the FAQ's doesn't work.
When entering "aiccu /install" I get the following message: "'aiccu' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."
Many thanks!
How to install aiccu as a service in windows?
You might want to 'cd' into the correct directory first.
"aiccu' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." simply means that the aiccu.exe can't be found.
Simple solution is to place the aiccu.exe (the console version, not the GUI version) into c:\Windows or wherever your Windows directory is.
How to install aiccu as a service in windows?
And I will have to rename aiccu-current-console.exe into aiccu.exe of course.
Or use aiccu-current-console /install?
How to install aiccu as a service in windows?
Correctemundo, both should work.
How to install aiccu as a service in windows?
I cannot find aiccu in the services?
I can start en stop aiccu from the DOS prompt, but I would like to start it automaticaly.
How to install aiccu as a service in windows?
To see aiccu's options, use the aiccu-gui... (latest) and type:
(I renamed it to aiccug.exe. As mentioned above, it has to be either in the current path or in the search path.)
aiccug /?
There it shows that aiccug /i installs the service, aiccug /u uninstalls it and aiccug /q shows the aiccu service status.
If you are using Windows, use the following command:
Aiccu service is listed as:
SixXS Automatic IPv6 Connectivity Configuration Utility
Set its type to automatic and then start the service.
If it still does not start, check the following options, under Recovery:
First failure...............Restart the Service
Second failure..............Restart the Service
Subsequent failures.........Restart the Service
Restart fail count after....0 days
Restart service after.......1 minutes
Also check Local System account and Allow service to interact with desktop under Log On.
Also take care that IPv6 Helper Service starts automatically, with the same options as above. Since it is dependent upon Microsoft IPv6 Protocol Driver, Remote Procedure Call (RPC) and Windows Management Instrumentation, these services also have to start automatically, and WMI and MSIPv6PD should have the same options as above. (If RPC fails to start, your computer will simply reset).
It is reccomendable to set it as exception in the Windows firewall.
I am behind a router (firewalled), and I run Windows 2003 SP1 (firewalled with default firewall) and I have an unproblematic AYIYA connection. The router seems to support neither proto-41 nor any other IPv6 protocol. I would advise to allow ICMP ping echo (i.e. both in the router firewall and in the Windows firewall), because having your IPv6 endpoint answering pings for one week earns you 5 credits. (Your connection has to be then active each day of that week).
I have the following configuration file in my C:\Windows directory:
=====BEGIN aiccu.conf=====
# AICCU Configuration (Automatically stored by aiccu 2005.01.09)
# Login information
username ...................
password ...................
# Interface names to use
ipv4_interface (null)
ipv6_interface sixxs
# The tunnel_id to use
# (only required when there are multiple tunnels in the list)
tunnel_id ..................
automatic true
# Be verbose?
verbose false
# Daemonize?
daemonize true
# Behind a NAT?
behindnat true
=====END aiccu.conf=====
If you're using AYIYA, the use the latest (i.e. 8.1) TAP drivers for your system (i.e. either 32 or 64 bits). If you have an older driver, use the following command, from C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\bin :
Then uninstall the old TAP driver, restart, install the new TAP driver, run addtap.bat, then restart again and now you're ready to use AYIYA through Aiccu.
Running the aiccu-gui executable once before starting the service is in that case a good idea, since it renames the TAP connection to sixxs and (I guess) configures it.
And, if stil does not work, then import the following file into registry:
=====BEGIN startaiccu.reg=====
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"Start AICCU"="cmd /c c:\\startaiccu.bat"
=====END startaiccu.reg=====
Then make the following batch file:
=====BEGIN startaiccu.bat=====
Echo Now we wait 5 minutes, as explained by Rob van der Woude.
PING -n 1 -w 300000 >NUL
net start aiccu
regedit /s c:\startaiccu.reg
=====END startaiccu.bat=======
And put that reg file and the batch file into C:\
How to install aiccu as a service in windows?
I like to add the following:
If you use some utility like RegClean, then consider changing the .reg file to:
=====BEGIN startaiccu.reg=====
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"Start AICCU"="c:\\windows\\system32\\cmd.exe /c c:\\startaiccu.bat"
=====END startaiccu.reg=====
And, I reccomend that the location of OpenVPN TAP driver should be:
C:\Program Files\OpenVPN
regardless of the letter of your system partition.
E.g., if you have your Windows in D:\windows, do use the folder indicated above for OpenVPN files.