Getting native IPv6 and sixxs-IPv6 working parallel
Shadow Hawkins on Wednesday, 28 July 2010 17:12:48
Hello @ll!
I ran the sixxs-tunnel with aiccu at a dedicatet server and used the subnet with a vpn-connection, because I want so share it to my roadwarrior-netbook, my mothers home and my fathers home.
But now I got native IPv6 on this server and I had to decide:
If the metric of the sixx-gateway ist similar or lower than the metric of the route for native IPv6, only the sixxs-IPv6 works. And if the metric of the nativ IPv6 route is lower than the matric of the sixxs-gateway, only native IPv6 works.
Is there any possibility to user both parallel?
Here is the pseudo-ifconfig: IF: sixxs
IPv6-Addr: my tunnel address
IF: vpn192
IPv6-Addr: an IP-addr. from the subnet
IF: eth0
IPv6-Addr: some native addresses
The IPv6-forwarding is enabled
The routes were:::/0 via my-tunnel-address metric [X] dev sixxs
::/0 metric [Y] dev eth0
If [Y] < [X]: native IPv6 works, sixxs-IPv6 doesn't work
If [X] <= [Y]: native IPv6 doesn't work, sixxs-IPv6 works
Thank you!
Getting native IPv6 and sixxs-IPv6 working parallel
Jeroen Massar on Wednesday, 28 July 2010 17:21:52
Unless you do proper source based routing, it won't work.
SixXS PoPs do not forward packets belonging to other prefixes and I hope that other ISPs do the same as they are supposed to.
Choose either the one or the other, I would say, go for the native connectivity.
Getting native IPv6 and sixxs-IPv6 working parallel
Shadow Hawkins on Wednesday, 28 July 2010 22:28:12
Hey Jeroen Massar,
thank you very much. The hint with the source based routing was the impulse, I needed. The solution is to deny creating the default route in the aiccu-config. Then you have to use the following commands: ip -6 rule add from <your subnet> table 66
ip -6 route add ::/0 dev sixxs via <your gateway> table 66 The Table 666 should be free, if not, choose another number between 10 and 199.
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