SixXS::Sunset 2017-06-06

Aiccu for Android?
[de] Shadow Hawkins on Monday, 23 August 2010 03:36:51
So I got this new android based phone and while the phone is IPV6-capable and it reaches my IPV6-only imap server just fine when connected via the local wlan, it fails completly to do so when connected via the mobile internet provider (02). No surprise there, it runs with an IP in a huge natted space. Wondering if there was any chance to get an ipv6 tunnel to my phone I searched both Google and the android market but there was nothing related except an IPv4 exhaustion counter. Since Android is a Linux - based OS and aiccu does such a fine job on connecting natted boxes to IPv6 - could an adapted version of aiccu for android do the same thing for smart phones? Did any of you hear about or even try anything like this? best regards Daniel Plaenitz
Aiccu for Android?
[ch] Jeroen Massar SixXS Staff on Tuesday, 24 August 2010 10:48:12
I once heard a rumor that somebody compiled+ran AICCU on an internal Google build of Android but at that time IPv6+TUN support where not publicly released or something. If I had an Android phone myself then it would have been done quite some time ago as it can't be too tricky. For that matter, for a Nokia N900 one merely has to re-compile the debian package and presto.
Aiccu for Android?
[se] Shadow Hawkins on Saturday, 09 October 2010 08:03:36
It would be a great benefit with AICCU support, as it would work through NATed phones too, enabling public IPv6 access to the phone. Many phone operators do not give direct IP access. There are plenty of forums concentrating on rooted Android which enables good VPN, AP/Tethering, etc... Must be possible with IPv6 too. AFAIK Android itself support IPv6.
Aiccu for Android?
[us] Shadow Hawkins on Thursday, 28 October 2010 19:47:11
My android phone gets automatically configured for IPv6 when I'm connected to my IPv6 enabled wireless network. When I'm on the cellular network, I don't get IPv6 connectivity.
Aiccu for Android?
[nz] Shadow Hawkins on Tuesday, 19 March 2013 06:15:25
Svend Sorensen wrote:
My android phone gets automatically configured for IPv6 when I'm connected to my IPv6 enabled wireless network. When I'm on the cellular network, I don't get IPv6 connectivity.
I noticed mine does too. But the only way I can tell is that IP Webcam gives me both addresses when I'm on the IPv6-capable wireless network. I can't see my ipv6 address in fing, or in the terminal running ifconfig. Ideas?
Aiccu for Android?
[us] Shadow Hawkins on Thursday, 28 October 2010 19:39:56
I was able to get aiccu working with a SixXS tunnel on a HTC Vision G2 inside a Debian chroot. The one tricky part was a missing tun driver. I downloaded the tun.ko file for my kernel, loaded the module file, created the tun device file, and started aiccu. IPv6 connectivity works inside and outside the chroot. 'aiccu test' passes, and I can load in the browser.
insmod tun.ko mkdir /dev/net mknod /dev/net/tun c 10 200 /etc/init.d/aiccu start
Aiccu for Android?
[se] Shadow Hawkins on Sunday, 08 May 2011 20:32:20
So how did you get the aiccu to run? Did Debian provide an ARM compatible version?.. I guess if so, it should not be too difficult to run on rooted phones. Would be better with a native App instead.
Aiccu for Android?
[us] Shadow Hawkins on Sunday, 08 May 2011 23:12:14
Did Debian provide an ARM compatible version?
Of course. Arm is one of the architectures that Debian supports, which means that every one of Debian's 25000+ packages that can be built for Arm is.
Aiccu for Android?
[it] Shadow Hawkins on Wednesday, 11 May 2011 19:50:32
Hi there, i've sucessfully installed the tun module with the insmod command on my Samsung Galaxy S. Can you please explain how to port the aiccu packet from the Debian to android 2.2.1 device? Thank you
Aiccu for Android?
[us] Shadow Hawkins on Friday, 13 May 2011 18:36:50
I run aiccu directly from a Debian chroot. If I remember correctly, I followed this guide to set up the chroot. After you setup the chroot, you can install and run aiccu the same way you would on any Debian system.
apt-get install aiccu /etc/init.d/aiccu start
Aiccu for Android?
[us] Shadow Hawkins on Tuesday, 28 June 2011 04:34:42
i run aiccu on my android. far as i can tell there is no native client. install "real" linux in a chroot. i use gentoo. ive heard debian works also. gentoo is kinda hard. need to cross compile a few things on a computer to get everthing to compile.i would be happy to help anyone that needs it. email is need to have tun module at least.(better to have the ipv6 netfiler stuff too) compiling modules for your running kernel isnt too hard if you have ever compiled a kernel. i have the tun module and the esp6 ah6 xfrm* and ip6_tables on mine so ipsec works and is firewalled.
Aiccu for Android?
[cz] Shadow Hawkins on Friday, 13 January 2012 16:01:12
I'm trying to AICC for android and so far everything works. You can find it on xda-developers forum. Translated by
Aiccu for Android?
[ch] Shadow Hawkins on Saturday, 17 November 2012 07:26:22
Hi and sorry to dig out this old thread. Just to inform you that i wrote a little frontend app called Androiccu that automates the installation, configuration and running of the native android version of aiccu. It's my first Android app and it's still alpha, but should be improved soon. Cheers
Aiccu for Android?
[at] Shadow Hawkins on Thursday, 29 November 2012 10:24:42
Hi Martin I get an error of tar (with busybox from busybox installer) that -tmount is invalid. Where do you download the tar file?? Easiest would be that I manually untar the file, and move it to the correct location. thanx for this app!! CU, Ricsi
Aiccu for Android?
[ch] Shadow Hawkins on Thursday, 29 November 2012 13:42:36
Hi Ricsi, the bug you describe has just been fixed (hopefully) this morning, i do some more testing and i hope to release a new version today or tomorrow. This bug seams to affect many or all Samsung Galaxys (the mount command has a different output format than my HTCs, so the read-write remount failed ;-) I just bought a cheap Galaxy Mini S5570 and could reproduce and understand the bug. If you want to manually untar the file it should have downloaded under /data/data/ch.web_troubles.androiccu/files and should be untared from / Best regards, Martin
Aiccu for Android?
[ch] Shadow Hawkins on Thursday, 27 December 2012 15:49:39
Hi Martin, after discovering that my Mobile will never receive an official upgrade to IceCreamSandwich AND seeing your application - I finally rooted my phone and installed CyanogenMod9. I had the following three issues: I have a few SIXXS tunnels and for all of them I enabled the "TIC password for this tunnel". Therefore all my aiccu.conf files have:
... username XXXX-SIXXS/Tnnnnn password MYPASSWORD #tunnel_id ...
I don't specify the tunnel id, because the "TIC password" selects already the correct tunnel. This does currently NOT work with androiccu, because it creates the following entry in the config file:
... tunnel_id null ...
You should not enter the tunnel_id at all into the config file if the user does not specify it. This is what I did manually and since then it works perfectly :-) What is worse, the logfile (and the display on the screen) say everything is ok...
shell@android:/ # cat ./data/data/ch.web_troubles.androiccu/files/log 2012-12-27 16:04:48: started 2012-12-27 16:04:53: aiccu started on mobile network
.. but I don't have a sixxs interface and the tunnel does not work. Could you please check this and make options to make aiccu more verbose and correctly detect if it actually works ;-) Finally, I was unable to find "androiccu" via the search function in, I had to use google search and use the direct link from there. I checked my search filters and everything looked like being open, but I may have done something wrong. If others have the same problem, here the direct link I was using... Thanks a lot and hth Nicolas
Aiccu for Android?
[ch] Shadow Hawkins on Tuesday, 26 February 2013 09:47:54
Hi Nicolas, sorry, only saw your message now. Yes, indeed, i never used TIC passwords so they are not implemented in Androiccu. That will be easy to fix. And some better detection if the tunnel is really up, now it checks only that the daemon started. Will look at this, Best regards, Martin
Aiccu for Android?
[ch] Jeroen Massar SixXS Staff on Tuesday, 26 February 2013 11:48:24
The trick is, that when one uses the "TIC password" one specifies <username>/<tunnel-id>, as TIC then knows the tunnel-id, when AICCU performs a "tunnel list" it will only have 1 tunnel in the list, even if there are multiple ones, which can be the case when a user has multiple tunnels. In that case AICCU will exit because it can't automatically select which tunnel to use. If you specify the tunnel_id though AICCU does not perform a "tunnel list" as it already knows which tunnel ID to use. As such storing 'null' is of course wrong, but I guess easily circumvented by specifying the username in the <username>/<tunnel-id> format and providing the same tunnel-id in the tunnel_id parameter.
Aiccu for Android?
[gb] Shadow Hawkins on Friday, 28 December 2012 07:55:30
Search google play for Androiccu Job done.
Aiccu for Android?
[ch] Shadow Hawkins on Friday, 28 December 2012 10:06:05
Thanks Neil - today it works again. Sorry for the noise...
Aiccu for Android?
[dk] Shadow Hawkins on Tuesday, 19 March 2013 00:19:40
I installed androiccu. It sort of connects: if I enter a wrong password, it shows in the log. If I enter the right username/tunnel and password, I can then telect the matching tunnel. But then what? Androiccu says: Running. <time>: started <time>: aiccu started on mobile network. But does not work, I can ping neither in or out, and the status page on sixxs says the tunnel is down. I can ping the ::1 of my tunnel, not the ::2
Aiccu for Android?
[dk] Shadow Hawkins on Tuesday, 19 March 2013 00:25:15
Leif Neland wrote:
I installed androiccu.
If I turn on wifi, the android gets an ipv6 from my ipv6-enabled lan, and is pingable from the world. So ipv6 is working on it. (Samsung galaxy Xcover)

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