aiccu breaks sockets
Carmen Sandiego on Sunday, 30 January 2011 16:56:11
so aiccu is running fine and every thing's working, then about an hour or two into using. everything starts to break. I cant resolve domains from dns. i can ping IPs but i cant make any socket connections i tried telnet into ip addresses no dice and i cant connect to my l
locally hosted web server. there is no sign of errors in the aiccu console. and as soon as i turn off aiccu everything works again.
i have only really noticed it when im using my ipv6 connection a lot but i not saying that's the cause.
im not sure what logs you want... but the ipconfig looks normal both before and after the breaking happens. i think it may have caused a bsod complaining about tcpip6.sys
aiccu breaks sockets
Shadow Hawkins on Monday, 31 January 2011 16:56:46
Looks like a local problem. First thing needed is your configuration, what OS are you running, how are you connected to the internet?
aiccu breaks sockets
Carmen Sandiego on Tuesday, 01 February 2011 15:59:40
xp latest sp, im using a switch to connect to the internet.
aiccu breaks sockets
Shadow Hawkins on Wednesday, 02 February 2011 23:11:42
Surely you have more than a switch? What hardware do you have between you and the service provider? What provider are you using?
aiccu breaks sockets
Carmen Sandiego on Thursday, 03 February 2011 00:52:46
I'm in a dorm(uni accomodation) so its switch to wall point and what happens past there i don't know. it is a proper isp I'm connected too, they don't restrict ports or throttle. it also broke sockets when i was back at home.
aiccu breaks sockets
Shadow Hawkins on Thursday, 17 February 2011 15:19:25
I think I've the same problem. I made a Ticket to ask for help.
The strange thing is that nothing gives an error, just all network connections stop working. I have to kill aiccu and restart it to get it working again.
How could we fix this?
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