SixXS::Sunset 2017-06-06

Ghost Route Hunter :: Export Formats

These ATOM and RSS feeds are available for use with amongst others FeedReader, AmphetaDesk, and NewsGator or build one yourself. Our feeds are based on the RFC4287 - The Atom Syndication Format (ATOM 1.0) and RSS 2.0 specification. As always, we'd love to hear your thoughts on the feeds, and please let us know if anything seems unusual or out of place as you use them.

The ATOM and RSS feeds have been checked using W3C FEED Validator and thus should conform and work with most ATOM/RSS readers.

Other export formats

On request other formats can be made available. Contact SixXS for more details.

Static Sunset Edition of SixXS
©2001-2017 SixXS - IPv6 Deployment & Tunnel Broker