Ticket ID: SIXXS #603419 Ticket Status: User PoP:
huge packet loss issue
Shadow Hawkins on Tuesday, 06 November 2007 11:46:52
I have read and followed the "Reporting Problems" section on the Contact page and am providing the following details for this report based on the list of items stated there:
my subnet is 2001:6f8:347::/48
I'm trying to reach my friend machine at tuluk.riquer.fr
lion:~# tracepath6 tuluk.riquer.fr
1?: [LOCALHOST] pmtu 1280
1: 2001:6f8:347::1 0.810ms
2: gw-152.bru-01.be.sixxs.net 40.358ms
3: cl-334.bru-01.be.sixxs.net 109.569ms
4: tuluk.riquer.fr 108.350ms reached
Resume: pmtu 1280 hops 4 back 4
however, I am seeing approximately 80% packet loss from my gateway:
/tmp # ping6 -c 1000 tuluk.riquer.fr
PING tuluk.riquer.fr (2001:6f8:39b:1:214:bfff:fe65:a5e9): 56 data bytes
64 bytes from 2001:6f8:39b:1:214:bfff:fe65:a5e9: icmp6_seq=19 ttl=62 time=2270.6 ms
--- tuluk.riquer.fr ping statistics ---
1000 packets transmitted, 233 packets received, 76% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 2195.5/2276.0/2544.9 ms
when tracepath6 above fails, it can't seem to find cl-334.bru-01.be.sixxs.net
lion:~# tracepath6 tuluk.riquer.fr
1?: [LOCALHOST] pmtu 1500
1: 2001:6f8:347::1 3.972ms
2: 2001:6f8:347::1 asymm 1 0.750ms pmtu 1280
2: gw-152.bru-01.be.sixxs.net 39.686ms
3: no reply
I can ping noc.sixxs.net without problems :
/tmp # ping6 -c 10 noc.sixxs.net
PING noc.sixxs.net (2001:838:1:1:210:dcff:fe20:7c7c): 56 data bytes
64 bytes from 2001:838:1:1:210:dcff:fe20:7c7c: icmp6_seq=0 ttl=51 time=1358.8 ms
--- noc.sixxs.net ping statistics ---
10 packets transmitted, 10 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 1322.5/1375.8/1422.2 ms
State change: user
Jeroen Massar on Tuesday, 06 November 2007 12:01:39
The state of this ticket has been changed to user
huge packet loss issue
Jeroen Massar on Tuesday, 06 November 2007 12:03:06
This problem is most likely then located between the PoP and your friend.
gw-XXX == the PoP side of the tunnel (which works)
cl-XXX == the client side of the tunnel (which does not work decently)
Contact your friend and ask him about it. We can't resolve that issue.
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