Ticket ID: SIXXS #767619 Ticket Status: User PoP: (not applicable)
No tunnels working for me
I have read and followed the "Reporting Problems" section on the Contact page and am providing the following details for this report based on the list of items stated there:
# aiccu test /etc/aiccu.conf
Couldn't retrieve first tunnel for the above reason, aborting
This is the only result I get on several different computers with both usewr01 and uschi02. usewr01 is listed as "up". I have changed nothing between yesterday and today; yesterday it worked, today it doesn't.
No tunnels working for me
Sorry for answering to that old thread, but it seems to be the same problem here.
Aiccu usually work well on my laptop, but sometimes (like now) it simply says: "Couldn't retrieve first tunnel for the above reason, aborting"
with *no* reason given above. (No matter how I set daemonize.)
Even setting "verbose true" does not give any other informations.
According to wireshark aiccu tries to talk to the tic server, which immediately hangs up, allowing no communication.
I don't think I was "hammering" the server in any unusual way, hence I'm not sure why the server refuses to talk to me.
It would be great if the server could send some useful error message.
The client should probably handle that case somehow, possibly by giving some appropriate message at least something like "Server refuses to talk".
(I use the current Ubuntu package of aiccu, if that might be important.)
No tunnels working for me
Please provide a *lot* more details.
You might want to enable 'verbose' mode and disable 'daemon' mode from the config file. Next to that 'aiccu test' is your friend.
For the rest, as mentioned in the big orange box: read the "reporting problems" section of the contact page and.... provide more details.
State change: user
![]() ![]()
The state of this ticket has been changed to user
No tunnels working for me
I have the same error as described above (also if a activate verbose und deactivate daemonize):
# aiccu test
Couldn't retrieve first tunnel for the above reason, aborting
my tunnel_id is T10731, my PoP is deham01, the PoP IPv4 is
a traceroute to the PoP's v4:
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
1 1.733 ms 0.509 ms 0.561 ms
2 29.923 ms 44.245 ms 30.979 ms
3 22.052 ms 248.579 ms 30.697 ms
4 78.905 ms 76.325 ms 72.874 ms
5 38.854 ms 38.461 ms 78.239 ms
6 40.339 ms 40.080 ms 43.642 ms
7 55.225 ms 99.561 ms 55.118 ms
8 56.414 ms 57.247 ms 54.881 ms
9 56.333 ms 102.851 ms 56.659 ms
10 56.882 ms 55.844 ms 58.042 ms
I use the aiccu client of the etch-backports repository, but also tried a fresh downloaded source version. same error.
A "uname -a":
Linux uni5 2.6.18-5-xen-686 #1 SMP Wed Dec 19 01:15:37 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
No tunnels working for me
I have the same error as described above (also if a activate verbose und deactivate daemonize): # aiccu test Couldn't retrieve first tunnel for the above reason, aborting
Clearly you haven't enabled 'verbose' and disabled daemonize as otherwise you would see a lot of output, starting with the version number of the tool etc etc.
If you can't get that output, include your configuration file (with the password masked out of course) in the post or send this information to info@sixxs.net.
No tunnels working for me
Actually, I had both verbose on and daemonize off. Otherwise I would be fixing this problem myself.
However, WITHOUT MY TOUCHING THE CONFIGURATION FILE, the problem has now gone away.
It was something on your end.
No tunnels working for me
Great that it is working all of a sudden, but without any actual details we really can't know what was wrong here.
Which is why we really would love to see those outputs. When the problem happens, as mentioned clearly in those big orange boxes, include the output.
Only thing we can do now is guess that there is a possibility of various problems, but without it, it is just a guess.
No tunnels working for me
Here is ALL the information with which I can provide you:
- There was NO output from AICCU, no matter what I did to it, other than the one line I gave you. When it was in daemon mode, that line was written to the syslog. I straced it and it made contact with tic.sixxs.net and read some stuff. That was it. The only thing that looked erroneous was opening /dev/log as the "wrong type".
# aiccu version
AICCU 2007.01.15-console-linux by Jeroen Massar
# uname -a
Linux 2.6.26 #1 SMP Sun Jul 13 19:11:25 EDT 2008 i686 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5420 @ 2.50GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
tunnel_id T16218
The above system is a Xen domU running Gentoo 2008.0ish.
# uname -a
Linux 2.6.22 #1 SMP Tue Nov 20 20:41:52 EST 2007 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
tunnel_id T12980
This system is a Xen dom0 running Centos 5.1.
As you can see, this problem occurred on two DIFFERENT systems, using two DIFFERENT tunnels, from two DIFFERENT PoPs, at the SAME time. Both recovered with no intervention on my part. I have no more information with which to provide you. There was some kind of transient problem with your service which you should track down.
No tunnels working for me
my aiccu.conf:
# Under control from debconf, please use 'dpkg-reconfigure aiccu' to reconfigure
username user
password pass
protocol tic
server tic.sixxs.net
tunnel_id T10731
# AICCU Configuration
# Login information (defaults: none)
#username <your nichandle/username>
#password <your password>
# Protocol and server to use for setting up the tunnel (defaults: none)
#protocol <tic|tsp|l2tp>
#server <server to use>
# Interface names to use (default: aiccu)
# ipv6_interface is the name of the interface that will be used as a tunnel interface.
# On *BSD the ipv6_interface should be set to gifX (eg gif0) for proto-41 tunnels
# or tunX (eg tun0) for AYIYA tunnels.
ipv6_interface sixxs
# The tunnel_id to use (default: none)
# (only required when there are multiple tunnels in the list)
#tunnel_id Txxxx
# Be verbose? (default: false)
verbose true
# Daemonize? (default: true)
# Set to false if you want to see any output
# When true output goes to syslog
# WARNING: never run AICCU from DaemonTools or a similar automated
# 'restart' tool/script. When AICCU does not start, it has a reason
# not to start which it gives on either the stdout or in the (sys)log
# file. The TIC server *will* automatically disable accounts which
# are detected to run in this mode.
daemonize false
# Automatic Login and Tunnel activation?
automatic true
# Require TLS?
# When set to true, if TLS is not supported on the server
# the TIC transaction will fail.
# When set to false, it will try a starttls, when that is
# not supported it will continue.
# In any case if AICCU is build with TLS support it will
# try to do a 'starttls' to the TIC server to see if that
# is supported.
requiretls false
# PID File
#pidfile /var/run/aiccu.pid
# Add a default route (default: true)
#defaultroute true
# Script to run after setting up the interfaces (default: none)
#setupscript /usr/local/etc/aiccu-subnets.sh
# Make heartbeats (default true)
# In general you don't want to turn this off
# Of course only applies to AYIYA and heartbeat tunnels not to static ones
#makebeats true
# Don't configure anything (default: false)
#noconfigure true
# Behind NAT (default: false)
# Notify the user that a NAT-kind network is detected
behindnat true
# Local IPv4 Override (default: none)
# Overrides the IPv4 parameter received from TIC
# This allows one to configure a NAT into "DMZ" mode and then
# forwarding the proto-41 packets to an internal host.
# This is only needed for static proto-41 tunnels!
# AYIYA and heartbeat tunnels don't require this.
No tunnels working for me
That should in theory work and give you output and when the user/pass are correctly filled in it should also be able to login to the TIC service.
What exact version of the binary is this, thus where did it come from?
No tunnels working for me
It does work now... Thank you.
No tunnels working for me
everything...complete IPv6 connectivity...
No tunnels working for me
Some additional information, no need for action:
I had the same issue today (only the message "Couldn't retrieve first tunnel for the above reason, aborting", but no "above reason" was given). My system is a PPC Gentoo Linux.
I started debugging it and I reached this call to "sock_getline" which failed without a debug log entry.
/* Fetch the welcome */
if (sock_getline(tic->sock, tic_buf, sizeof(tic_buf), &tic_filled, buf, sizeof(buf)) == -1)
return false;
I suspect something goes wrong in "sock_getline" without providing a debug message. I was not able to find what is going wrong, because all of the sudden it worked again (like other users reported here).
I will continue debugging it when it happens again.
No tunnels working for me
You are hammering the TIC server, which then stops responding to your queries as it ratelimits you.
Simple solution: don't do that.
Normal operation doesn't require one to contact the TIC server that often.
No tunnels working for me
![]() You are hammering the TIC server, which then stops responding to your queries as it ratelimits you.
Simple solution: don't do that.
Normal operation doesn't require one to contact the TIC server that often.
The way it happens that I came back from a conference, there was a power outage in the house, the server doing the tunnel was not started correctly.
So I tried to restart the tunnel. During the first start, I already got the message.
It might be possible that I had hammering the TIC Server, but only because of lack of messages, I had no idea what is going wrong and I wanted to fix it.
I would suggest the AYIYA console will give some reason message "too many connection attemts to TIC Server, temporarly blacklisted your IP..."
I don't want to be a bad citizen, but I also want to get to know why my system is failing. I didn't know about rate limits on the TIC servers as a possible cause. I will be more careful next time.
No tunnels working for me
I would suggest the AYIYA console will give some reason message "too many connection attemts to TIC Server, temporarly blacklisted your IP..."
It can't, as the only thing it knows is that it is not able to contact the TIC server, which just blackholes packets coming from your host. The situation should never arise, unless one is doing something really wrong, the only reasoning thus the TIC server can come up with that the source host is broken and that it should ignore it.
Similarly, AYIYA packets which are not signed properly or are broken are dropped, the whole point of the check being if they are valid packets in the first place. This is annoying for debugging of course, as one can't see on the client side if something is wrong as the PoP simply ignores you.
Fortunately Wireshark can at least decode AYIYA packets so that one can check the format, it unfortunately can't check the signature yet though. The signature should be correct when using TIC though.
Thus: when you have a problem, check the Reporting Problems list, follow it, and report the problem.