Ticket ID: SIXXS #8170514 Ticket Status: User PoP: ruled01 - EDPnet N.V. (St.Petersburg)
Tunnel Statistics graphs not showing
Then looking at tunnel stats for T108690 (for ruled01) at link no images are shown.
Instead of image error message "Internal Server Error Internal Server Error" is served with prompt to contact.
Accessing stats using own username from dual-stacked IPv4/IPv6 host (from subnet assigned).
Both Firefox/IE are affected (thus it's not a client-side issue).
Tunnel was registered and up for ~1 day. Stats were working yesterday.
Current status for ruled01 listed as "Up".
Tunnel Statistics graphs not showing
at 108690.
Instead of images - "Internal Server Error" error message is served.
Tunnel is up for ~1 day.
Reproduced from dual-homed IPv4/IPv6 PC from both Firefox and IE.
Graphs were working at morning and yesterday.
Current status ruled01 listed on website as "Up" without any notices.
State change: user
![]() ![]()
The state of this ticket has been changed to user
Tunnel Statistics graphs not showing
Please provide details of the exact link, as it works fine for me.
Also, be sure to clear any HTTP caches etc.
Tunnel Statistics graphs not showing
Was not showing 10 minutes ago. Definitely not a caches issues.
Thanks for quick reply.