Ticket ID: SIXXS #8260402 Ticket Status: User PoP: uschi02 - Your.Org, Inc. (Chicago, Illinois)
Ping6 error
Shadow Hawkins on Wednesday, 21 November 2012 00:40:00
AICCU Autotest show this problem:
###### [5/8] Ping the IPv6 Local/Your Inner Tunnel Endpoint (2001:4978:f:236::2)
### This confirms that your tunnel is configured
### If it doesn't reply then check your interface and routing tables
PING6(56=40+8+8 bytes) 2001:4978:f:236::2 --> 2001:4978:f:236::2
16 bytes from 2001:4978:f:236::2: Echo Request
16 bytes from 2001:4978:f:236::2: Echo Request
16 bytes from 2001:4978:f:236::2: Echo Request
56 bytes from fe80::21b:21ff:fe1b:dcc6%em0: Router Advertisement
--- 2001:4978:f:236::2 ping6 statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100.0% packet loss
Everything else runs fine.
(Repost due to errors)
Tunnel 1868
Ping6 error
Shadow Hawkins on Wednesday, 21 November 2012 00:55:39
Test run from within m0n0wall 1.8.1b532.
Eric von Guggenberg
State change: user
Jeroen Massar on Wednesday, 21 November 2012 05:59:10
The state of this ticket has been changed to user
Ping6 error
Jeroen Massar on Wednesday, 21 November 2012 05:59:46
What exactly is the problem? Please be a lot more verbose.
Ping6 error
Shadow Hawkins on Wednesday, 21 November 2012 11:14:01
IPv6 is back up again for me.
My firewall logs are full of:
15:52:57.794201 ngwan0 @200:4 b -> (my WAN IP) PR icmp len 20 104 icmp unreach/protocol for (my WAN IP) - PR ipv6 len 20 (76) IN
Every few minutes I get another warning. Not sure if it is a m0n0wall problem, since I have opened ICMPv6.
Ping6 error
Jeroen Massar on Wednesday, 21 November 2012 11:26:17
As you are not providing a lot of details, actually nearly none at all, my only guess is that the above log message is the PoP rejecting the protocol 41 packets you are sending to the PoP are not recognised to be associated with a tunnel. This could happen when your IPv4 endpoint changes and a new heartbeat is not sent yet, but lest you provide more details about your setup, that is just a guess...
Ping6 error
Shadow Hawkins on Wednesday, 21 November 2012 13:50:54
I have a heartbeat AICCU account with Your.org.
Nothing has changed on my part. Used to work fine.
Same tunnel T18568, user name and password.
I use m0n0wall. Even went back to the prior version, it still has the same problem of firewall errors building up.
My IPv6 connectivity is there and disappears every once in a while.
Every 2-8 seconds I get an error like this in my firewall logs:
08:48:17.058380 ngwan0 @0:22 b -> (My WAN IP) PR icmp len 20 104 icmp unreach/protocol for (My WAN IP) - PR ipv6 len 20 (76) IN
Ping6 error
Jeroen Massar on Wednesday, 21 November 2012 14:37:19 08:48:17.058380 ngwan0 @0:22 b -> (My WAN IP) PR icmp len 20 104 icmp unreach/protocol for (My WAN IP) - PR ipv6 len 20 (76) IN
As stated above:
my only guess is that the above log message is the PoP rejecting the protocol 41 packets you are sending to the PoP are not recognised to be associated with a tunnel. This could happen when your IPv4 endpoint changes and a new heartbeat is not sent yet, but lest you provide more details about your setup, that is just a guess...
You'll need to provide details about your RUNNING configuration if you want us to help.
But this definitely does not seem to be a problem with the service that SixXS provides, thus please use the forums either here, or likely better at m0n0wall, to resolve your problem.
Ping6 error
Shadow Hawkins on Wednesday, 21 November 2012 13:56:11
Could using a VPN like HideMyAss cause these problems?
Ping6 error
Jeroen Massar on Wednesday, 21 November 2012 14:38:32
Depends where you run that VPN and how that VPN works, if it is active on the host where you terminate your tunnel, then it can cause problems indeed.
As stated before and as requested by the big yellow box:
"...include a sufficient description as mentioned in the Reporting Problems section of the contact page, we can not handle the problem otherwise."
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